Arestalfer assumes a policy based on three key pillars: quality assurance, safe, healthy working conditions assurance and environmental protection. This policy is directed towards the establishment of sustainable partnership relationships between all interested parties. As such, Arestalfer commits to the following:

Establishing achievable goals in accordance with the context of the organisation and the previously defined strategies (objectives regarding quality, environment and improvement of working conditions);

Ensuring the satisfaction of the applicable requirements within the integrated management system;

Promoting ongoing improvement of the integrated management system through processes optimisation/ usage of available resources and technology;

Ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, striving to correspond to and surpass their expectations;

Ensuring competence and commitment of the available staff, through leadership and appropriate professional training/ qualification;

Making decisions based on evidence and in accordance with risk analysis/ improvement opportunities;

Abiding by all legal, regulatory and normative requirements applicable to products, services and activities developed;

Ensuring pollution prevention and improvement of environmental performance, through the identification of environmental aspects and assessment of the impact associated with the activities, products or services controlled or influenced upon by the organisation;

Promoting sustainable usage of resources through waste reduction and optimisation of raw-materials consumption;

Ensuring Health and Safety conditions at work, through the mitigation of hazards and assessment and control of hazards associated with the activities developed;

Preventing occurrence of injuries and health problems related to work, suppressing safety breaches and providing greater comfort in work performance, through organisational, collective protection and individual protection measures;

Consulting workers regarding work conditions and ensuring their participation through meetings, work groups, suggestions and other appropriate methodologies.
The Top Management commits to this policy and calls on all staff, subcontractors and other interested parties to, within their functions, guide themselves by this policy, thus contributing for a sustainable development which benefits all.